The Northcoast Regional Land Trust is dedicated to the protection and economic viability of working landscapes, farms, forests, and grazing lands, and to the preservation and protection of land for its natural, educational, scenic, and historic values. We work with landowners on a voluntary basis to promote stewardship of Northern California’s healthy and productive resource base, natural systems, and quality of life.
A sustainable community with a vibrant economy, resilient and productive landscapes and clean, abundant water.

Our Strategy
Build a network of conserved farmlands, rangelands, and forestlands which support not only the long-term vitality of our communities, but also an increasing reliance on local resources and the production of healthy local food.
Complete conservation easement and fee acquisition projects that protect, preserve, enhance, and/or restore unique plant and wildlife habitats.
Bring together diverse community members to work towards a sustainable future for our region. Seek common ground and act on points of agreement to preserve the places and the livelihoods our community values so deeply.
Build partnerships, broaden networks, and steward existing relationships with individuals, agencies, and organizations in order to leverage resources and attain shared conservation goals.
Build credibility, recognition, and broad support for NRLT’s mission and programmatic priorities through a variety of media tools and outreach opportunities.
Continue to improve and maintain Freshwater Farms Reserve as a publicly accessible demonstration of compatible agriculture and habitat restoration and a place where all visitors feel welcome.
Provide opportunities for members of our community to connect with the land and engage with our mission through educational field trips, interpretive walks, and stewardship events.
Foster a climate of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization. Engage the diverse communities we serve by providing varied and accessible educational, recreational, and volunteer opportunities that reflect local cultural values, practices, and traditions.
Recruit community leaders with desired expertise and interests as board members and support them in achieving their commitments.
Support, retain, and recruit a high-quality professional staff.
Maintain internal processes that foster organizational focus, effectiveness, and stability, including maintenance of governing documents and Land Trust Alliance (LTA) accreditation.
Increase financial capacity to support the organization and its programmatic priorities with support from individual donors, fundraising events, business sponsorships, foundation and governmental grants, and more.