It’s been many weeks in the making, and NRLT’s Spring 2023 Newsletter is finally here— and coming soon to a mailbox near you! In this issue you’ll learn about how we partnered with landowners and public agencies to restore oak woodlands within our region, new opportunities to conserve agricultural land, our rock star volunteers, changes at Freshwater Farms Reserve, upcoming events, our annual report (can you find your name?), and more!
This was my first time helping with the newsletter from start to finish, and I feel honored to be part of it. Our newsletters are largely thanks to Leslie Scopes Anderson, who has been NRLT’s stellar newsletter volunteer for 15 years and counting. Leslie puts her graphic design skills to work as she arranges and rearranges the content of our biannual newsletters, no matter how many edits we send her! Meeting with her to celebrate the final draft of this issue, I learned that Leslie has supported NRLT through three Executive Directors and complete personnel changes several times over. It’s quite clear the enduring impact of this organization comes from the people like Leslie, who commit to our mission to conserve, protect, and restore wild and working lands and see it through. Thank you, Leslie!
Whatever your relationship to NRLT, it becomes just that, a relationship. It ebbs and flows, but is founded on shared values of long-term relationships to the land, healthy local food, sustainable natural resource production, our region’s rich biodiversity and connected habitats and a desire to conserve and protect the lands that support us. We are grateful to the many people who have grown that relationship through our 22 years conserving lands in Northwestern California. I hope you enjoy reading about our most recent work together in this latest issue!
We are always open to feedback about our newsletter– email myself, Nadia, at with suggestions or submissions. If you are not already on our mailing list but would like to be for future issues, please email your contact information to
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